Bu bilgilendirme ve aydınlatma metni, STARMAX TARIM MAKİNALARI SAN VE TİC. A.Ş. tarafından, 24/3/2016 tarihinde kabul edilen 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu ve ilgili mevzuat kapsamında, kişisel verilerin hukuka uygun olarak toplanması, saklanması, paylaşılması ve gizliliğinin korunması süreçlerinde veri sahiplerini bilgilendirmek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır.
Bu kapsamda, aşağıda belirtilen şartlar ve amaçlar doğrultusunda işlenecek kişisel verilerle ilgili olarak, kanunun 10. maddesi gereğince aydınlatma yükümlülüğümüzü yerine getirmek amacıyla bu metni incelemenize sunuyoruz.
Veri Sorumlusu Tanımı
6698 sayılı Kanun’un 3. maddesine göre veri sorumlusu, “Kişisel verilerin işleme amaçlarını ve vasıtalarını belirleyen, veri kayıt sisteminin kurulmasından ve yönetilmesinden sorumlu olan gerçek veya tüzel kişi” olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda, STARMAX’ın kişisel verilerin işlenmesine ilişkin veri sorumlusu sıfatıyla yükümlülükleri bulunmakta olup, bilgilendirme ve aydınlatma yükümlülüğümüz bu metin ile yerine getirilmektedir.
Kişisel Veri Toplamanın Yöntemi ve Hukuki Sebebi
Kişisel veriler, sözlü, yazılı veya elektronik ortamda; telefon görüşmesi, web sitesi, form doldurulması, basılı belgeler, veri entegrasyonu veya kamera çekimi gibi yöntemlerle elde edilebilir.
Şirket, yukarıda belirtilen amaçlar doğrultusunda, hizmet sunarken ve iş faaliyetlerini yürütürken yasalar ve imzalanan sözleşmelerden doğan yasal yükümlülüklerini eksiksiz ve doğru bir şekilde yerine getirmek amacıyla ilgili kişilerden kişisel veriler toplar ve bu verileri KVKK’nın 5. ve 6. maddelerinde belirtilen kişisel veri işleme şartları ve amaçları kapsamında işler.
Kişisel Verilerin Toplanması, İşlenmesinin Amacı
Kişisel verileriniz, kanunlar ve ilgili mevzuat kapsamında; insan kaynakları süreçleri, güvenlik tedbirleri, proje/iş faaliyetleri, sözleşme süreçleri, ithalat/ihracat ve hizmet süreçlerinin yönetilmesi amaçlarıyla toplanmakta ve işlenmektedir. Bu amaçlar doğrultusunda, verileriniz;
- Yetki verdiğimiz, şirketimiz nam ve hesabına faaliyette bulunan şirketler ve temsilcilerimize,
- İş ortaklıkları, tedarikçi ve yüklenici şirketler, bankalar, kredi risk ve finans kuruluşları ve sair gerçek veya tüzel kişilere,
- Düzenleyici ve denetleyici kurumlar ile kişisel verilerinizi talep etmeye yetkili kamu kurum veya kuruluşlara,
- Vergi ve benzeri danışmanlar, yasal takip süreçleri ile ilgili zorunlu kişi, kurum ve kuruluşlara ve danışmanlık aldığımız üçüncü kişilere,
- Yurt içinde ve yurt dışında, yukarıda belirtilen amaçlar doğrultusunda iş ortakları, hizmet alınan üçüncü kişi, yetkilendirilen kişi ve kuruluşlara
KVKK’nın 8. ve 9. maddelerine uygun olarak aktarılabilecektir.
Veri Sahibinin Hakları
Kişisel verisi işlenen gerçek/tüzel kişiler, KVKK’nın 11. maddesi uyarınca şu haklara sahiptir:
- Kişisel veri işlenip işlenmediğini öğrenme,
- Kişisel verileri işlenmişse buna ilişkin bilgi talep etme,
- Kişisel verilerin işlenme amacını ve bunların amacına uygun kullanılıp kullanılmadığını öğrenme,
- Yurt içinde veya yurt dışında kişisel verilerin aktarıldığı üçüncü kişileri bilme,
- Kişisel verilerin eksik veya yanlış işlenmiş olması halinde bunların düzeltilmesini ve bu kapsamda yapılan işlemin üçüncü kişilere bildirilmesini isteme,
- KVKK ve ilgili diğer kanun hükümlerine uygun olarak işlenmiş olmasına rağmen, işlenmesini gerektiren sebeplerin ortadan kalkması halinde kişisel verilerin silinmesini veya yok edilmesini ve bu kapsamda yapılan işlemin üçüncü kişilere bildirilmesini isteme,
- İşlenen verilerin münhasıran otomatik sistemler vasıtasıyla analiz edilmesi suretiyle kişinin kendisi aleyhine bir sonucun ortaya çıkmasına itiraz etme,
- Kişisel verilerin kanuna aykırı olarak işlenmesi sebebiyle zarara uğraması halinde zararın giderilmesini talep etme.
Yukarıda belirtilen hakların kullanılması için, ayırt edici kimlik ve kayıt bilgilerinizin, kullanılmak istenilen hakkın ve bu hususa yönelik açıklamaların yazılı olarak, 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu’nun 11. maddesi uyarınca STARMAX TARIM MAKİNALARI SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş.’nin merkez adresi olan “Yazıbaşı Mahallesi, Teba Sokak No:4/2, Torbalı-İzmir, TÜRKİYE” adresine iadeli taahhütlü mektup yoluyla iletilmesi halinde başvurunuz işleme alınacaktır.
6698 sayılı KVK Kanunu’nun 13. maddesinin 1. fıkrası gereğince, yukarıda belirtilen hakların kullanılması ile ilgili talepler, yazılı olarak veya Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurulu’nun belirlediği diğer yöntemlerle Şirketimize iletildikten sonra, başvurular en kısa süre içerisinde ücretsiz olarak sonuçlandırılacaktır. Ancak, işlemin ayrıca bir maliyeti gerektirmesi hâlinde, Kurulca belirlenen tarifedeki ücret alınabilir. Başvuru sonuçları, bize ilettiğiniz iletişim bilgisi üzerinden size geri dönüş yapılarak bildirilecektir.
Üçüncü taraf web sitelerine linkler (bağlantılar)
Şirketimizin web sitesi, üçüncü kişilere ait web siteleri ile bağlantılar içerebilir. Bu sitelerin gizlilik politikaları ile ilgili olarak, şirketimiz herhangi bir sorumluluk kabul etmemekte ve bu web sitelerinin veri koruma uygulamalarının ilgili tüm mevzuat ve yönetmeliklere uygun olup olmadığı konusunda garanti vermemektedir.
This information and clarification text has been prepared by STARMAX TARIM MAKİNALARI SAN VE TİC. A.Ş. in order to inform the data owners in the processes of collecting, storing, sharing and protecting the confidentiality of personal data in accordance with the law within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 adopted on 24/3/2016 and the relevant legislation.
In this context, we submit this text for your review in order to fulfill our obligation to inform in accordance with Article 10 of the law regarding the personal data to be processed in accordance with the conditions and purposes set out below.
Definition of Data Controller
According to Article 3 of Law No. 6698, the data controller is defined as “the natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system”. In this context, STARMAX has obligations as a data controller regarding the processing of personal data, and our obligation to inform and clarify is fulfilled with this text.
Method and Legal Reason for Collecting Personal Data
Personal data may be obtained verbally, in writing or electronically; by methods such as phone calls, websites, form filling, printed documents, data integration or camera shooting.
In line with the above-mentioned purposes, the Company collects personal data from the relevant persons in order to fully and accurately fulfill its legal obligations arising from the laws and signed contracts while providing services and conducting business activities, and processes this data within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK.
Collection of Personal Data, Purpose of Processing
Your personal data is collected and processed for the purposes of human resources processes, security measures, project/business activities, contract processes, management of import/export and service processes within the scope of laws and relevant legislation. For these purposes, your data;
- To the companies and representatives authorized by us and operating on behalf and account of our company,
- Joint ventures, supplier and contractor companies, banks, credit risk and financial institutions and other real or legal persons,
- Regulatory and supervisory bodies and public institutions or organizations authorized to request your personal data,
- Tax and similar consultants, mandatory persons, institutions and organizations related to legal follow-up processes and third parties from whom we receive consultancy,
- To business partners, third parties from whom services are received, authorized persons and organizations in Turkey and abroad for the purposes stated above
It may be transferred in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the KVKK.
Rights of the Data Subject
Natural/legal persons whose personal data are processed have the following rights pursuant to Article 11 of the LPPD:
- Learn whether personal data is being processed,
- Request information if their personal data has been processed,
- To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
- To know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,
- To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties,
- Although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of KVKK and other relevant laws, to request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear and to notify third parties of the transaction made within this scope,
- To object to the emergence of a result to the detriment of the person himself/herself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
- In case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, to demand the compensation of the damage.
In order to exercise the above-mentioned rights, your application will be processed if your distinctive identity and registration information, the right to be exercised and explanations regarding this matter are sent in writing by registered letter with return receipt to the address “Yazıbaşı Mahallesi, Teba Sokak No: 4/2, Torbalı-İzmir, TURKEY”, which is the headquarters address of STARMAX TARIM MAKİNALARI SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. in accordance with Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.
Pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the KVK Law No. 6698, after the requests regarding the exercise of the above-mentioned rights are submitted to our Company in writing or by other methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board, the applications will be concluded free of charge as soon as possible. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff determined by the Board may be charged. You will be notified of the results of your application by getting back to you via the contact information you have provided to us.
Links to third party websites
Our company's website may contain links to third party websites. Regarding the privacy policies of these sites, our company does not accept any responsibility and does not guarantee that the data protection practices of these websites comply with all relevant legislation and regulations.
Ce texte d'information et de clarification a été préparé par STARMAX TARIM MAKİNALARI SAN VE TİC. A.Ş. afin d'informer les propriétaires des données dans les processus de collecte, de stockage, de partage et de protection de la confidentialité des données personnelles conformément à la loi dans le cadre de la loi sur la protection des données personnelles n° 6698 adoptée le 24/3/2016 et la législation pertinente.
Dans ce contexte, nous soumettons ce texte à votre examen afin de remplir notre obligation d'information conformément à l'article 10 de la loi concernant les données personnelles à traiter conformément aux conditions et aux finalités énoncées ci-dessous.
Définition du responsable du traitement
Selon l'article 3 de la loi n° 6698, le responsable du traitement est défini comme « la personne physique ou morale qui détermine les finalités et les moyens du traitement des données personnelles et qui est responsable de la mise en place et de la gestion du système d'enregistrement des données ». Dans ce contexte, STARMAX a des obligations en tant que responsable du traitement des données personnelles, et notre obligation d'information et de clarification est remplie par ce texte.
Méthode et raison légale de la collecte des données personnelles
Les données personnelles peuvent être obtenues verbalement, par écrit ou électroniquement, par des méthodes telles que les appels téléphoniques, les sites web, le remplissage de formulaires, les documents imprimés, l'intégration de données ou la prise de vue par un appareil photo.
Conformément aux objectifs susmentionnés, l'entreprise collecte des données personnelles auprès des personnes concernées afin de remplir ses obligations légales découlant des lois et des contrats signés de manière complète et précise lors de la fourniture de services et de la conduite d'activités commerciales, et traite ces données dans le cadre des conditions et des objectifs de traitement des données personnelles spécifiés aux articles 5 et 6 de la loi sur la protection des données à caractère personnel.
Collecte des données à caractère personnel, finalité du traitement
Vos données personnelles sont collectées et traitées dans le cadre des processus de ressources humaines, des mesures de sécurité, des activités commerciales et de projet, des processus contractuels, des processus d'importation et d'exportation et de la gestion des processus de service dans le cadre des lois et de la législation pertinente. À ces fins, vos données sont transmises
- Aux sociétés et représentants que nous avons autorisés et qui opèrent au nom et pour le compte de notre société,
- les coentreprises, les fournisseurs et les entreprises sous-traitantes, les banques, les institutions financières et de gestion du risque de crédit et d'autres personnes physiques ou morales,
- les autorités de régulation et de surveillance et les institutions ou organisations publiques autorisées à demander vos données personnelles
- les conseillers fiscaux et assimilés, les personnes, institutions et organisations obligatoires liées aux processus de suivi juridique et les tiers dont nous recevons des conseils,
- aux partenaires commerciaux, aux tiers qui nous fournissent des services, aux personnes et organisations autorisées en Turquie et à l'étranger aux fins susmentionnées.
Elles peuvent être transférées conformément aux articles 8 et 9 de la loi sur la protection des données.
Droits de la personne concernée
Les personnes physiques ou morales dont les données personnelles sont traitées ont les droits suivants en vertu de l'article 11 de la LPPD
- Savoir si des données personnelles sont traitées,
- Demander des informations si des données personnelles ont été traitées,
- connaître la finalité du traitement des données à caractère personnel et savoir si elles sont utilisées conformément à cette finalité
- de connaître les tiers auxquels les données à caractère personnel sont transmises au niveau national ou à l'étranger
- de demander la rectification des données personnelles en cas de traitement incomplet ou incorrect et la notification à des tiers de la transaction effectuée dans ce cadre,
- Bien qu'elles aient été traitées conformément aux dispositions de la KVKK et d'autres lois pertinentes, demander l'effacement ou la destruction des données personnelles au cas où les raisons justifiant leur traitement disparaîtraient et notifier à des tiers la transaction effectuée dans ce cadre,
- de s'opposer à ce que l'analyse des données traitées, effectuée exclusivement à l'aide de systèmes automatisés, aboutisse à un résultat préjudiciable à la personne elle-même,
- En cas de dommage dû à un traitement illicite de données personnelles, demander la réparation du dommage.
Afin d'exercer les droits susmentionnés, votre demande sera traitée si votre identité distinctive et les informations d'enregistrement, le droit à exercer et les explications à ce sujet sont envoyés par écrit à STARMAX TARIM MAKİNALARI SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. à l'adresse du siège social « Yazıbaşı Mahallesi, Teba Sokak No : 4/2, Torbalı-İzmir, TURQUIE » par lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception conformément à l'article 11 de la loi sur la protection des données personnelles No. 6698.
Conformément au paragraphe 1 de l'article 13 de la loi KVK n° 6698, après que les demandes concernant l'exercice des droits susmentionnés ont été soumises à notre société par écrit ou par d'autres méthodes déterminées par la Commission de protection des données personnelles, les demandes seront conclues sans frais dans les meilleurs délais. Toutefois, si l'opération nécessite un coût supplémentaire, la taxe prévue dans le tarif déterminé par la Commission peut être facturée. Vous serez informé des résultats de votre demande en nous contactant via les coordonnées que vous avez fournies.
Liens vers des sites web de tiers
Le site web de notre société peut contenir des liens vers des sites web de tiers. En ce qui concerne les politiques de confidentialité de ces sites, notre société n'accepte aucune responsabilité et ne garantit pas que les pratiques de protection des données de ces sites sont conformes à toutes les législations et réglementations pertinentes.
Данный информационный и разъяснительный текст был подготовлен компанией STARMAX TARIM MAKİNALARI SAN VE TİC. A.Ş. с целью информирования владельцев данных в процессах сбора, хранения, обмена и защиты конфиденциальности персональных данных в соответствии с законом в рамках Закона о защите персональных данных № 6698, принятого 24/3/2016, и соответствующего законодательства.
В связи с этим мы представляем вам этот текст для ознакомления, чтобы выполнить наше обязательство по информированию в соответствии со статьей 10 закона о персональных данных, подлежащих обработке в соответствии с условиями и целями, изложенными ниже.
Определение контролера данных
В соответствии со статьей 3 Закона № 6698, контролер данных определяется как «физическое или юридическое лицо, которое определяет цели и средства обработки персональных данных и несет ответственность за создание и управление системой записи данных». В этом контексте STARMAX имеет обязательства как контролер данных в отношении обработки персональных данных, и наше обязательство информировать и разъяснять выполняется с помощью данного текста.
Способ и правовое основание для сбора персональных данных
Персональные данные могут быть получены в устной, письменной или электронной форме; такими методами, как телефонные звонки, веб-сайты, заполнение форм, печатные документы, интеграция данных или фотосъемка.
В соответствии с вышеуказанными целями, компания собирает персональные данные соответствующих лиц для полного и точного выполнения своих юридических обязательств, вытекающих из законов и заключенных договоров, при оказании услуг и ведении хозяйственной деятельности, и обрабатывает эти данные в рамках условий и целей обработки персональных данных, указанных в статьях 5 и 6 КВКК.
Сбор персональных данных, цель обработки
Ваши персональные данные собираются и обрабатываются в целях кадровых процессов, мер безопасности, проектной/коммерческой деятельности, договорных процессов, импорта/экспорта и управления процессами обслуживания в рамках законов и соответствующего законодательства. Для этих целей ваши данные;
- Компаниям и представителям, которых мы уполномочили и которые действуют от имени и за счет нашей компании,
- Совместные предприятия, компании-поставщики и подрядчики, банки, кредитные риски и финансовые учреждения и другие реальные или юридические лица,
- Регулирующие и надзорные органы, а также государственные учреждения или организации, уполномоченные запрашивать ваши персональные данные,
- Налоговым и аналогичным консультантам, обязательным лицам, учреждениям и организациям, связанным с процессами юридического сопровождения, а также третьим лицам, от которых мы получаем консультации,
- Деловым партнерам, третьим лицам, от которых мы получаем услуги, уполномоченным лицам и организациям в Турции и за рубежом для вышеупомянутых целей.
Она может быть передана в соответствии со статьями 8 и 9 KVKK.
Права субъекта данных
Физические/юридические лица, чьи персональные данные обрабатываются, имеют следующие права в соответствии со статьей 11 LPPD
- Узнавать, обрабатываются ли персональные данные,
- Запрашивать информацию, если персональные данные были обработаны,
- Узнавать о целях обработки персональных данных и о том, используются ли они в соответствии с их целями,
- Знать третьих лиц, которым передаются персональные данные внутри страны или за рубежом,
- Запрашивать исправление персональных данных в случае их неполной или неправильной обработки и уведомление третьих лиц о совершенных в этих рамках операциях,
- Несмотря на то, что они были обработаны в соответствии с положениями KVKK и других соответствующих законов, требовать удаления или уничтожения персональных данных в случае исчезновения причин, требующих их обработки, и уведомлять третьих лиц о сделке, совершенной в этом объеме,
- возражать против получения результата в ущерб самому лицу путем анализа обрабатываемых данных исключительно с помощью автоматизированных систем,
- В случае причинения ущерба в результате незаконной обработки персональных данных, требовать возмещения ущерба.
Для осуществления вышеуказанных прав ваше заявление будет обработано, если ваши отличительные идентификационные и регистрационные данные, право, которым вы хотите воспользоваться, и объяснения по данному вопросу будут отправлены в письменном виде по адресу главного офиса STARMAX TARIM MAKİNALARI SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. «Yazıbaşı Mahallesi, Teba Sokak No: 4/2, Torbalı-İzmir, TURKEY» заказным письмом с уведомлением о вручении в соответствии со статьей 11 Закона о защите персональных данных № 6698.
В соответствии с пунктом 1 статьи 13 Закона о КВК № 6698, после того, как запросы об осуществлении вышеупомянутых прав будут направлены в нашу компанию в письменном виде или другими способами, определенными Советом по защите персональных данных, заявки будут заключены бесплатно в кратчайшие сроки. Однако, если операция требует дополнительных затрат, может взиматься плата по тарифу, установленному Советом. Вы будете уведомлены о результатах рассмотрения вашего заявления, связавшись с нами по указанным вами контактным данным.
Ссылки на веб-сайты третьих лиц
Сайт нашей компании может содержать ссылки на сайты третьих лиц. Что касается политики конфиденциальности этих сайтов, наша компания не несет никакой ответственности и не гарантирует, что практика защиты данных на этих сайтах соответствует всем соответствующим законам и нормам.
This information and clarification text has been prepared by STARMAX TARIM MAKİNALARI SAN VE TİC. A.Ş. in order to inform the data owners in the processes of collecting, storing, sharing and protecting the confidentiality of personal data in accordance with the law within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 adopted on 24/3/2016 and the relevant legislation.
In this context, we submit this text for your review in order to fulfill our obligation to inform in accordance with Article 10 of the law regarding the personal data to be processed in accordance with the conditions and purposes set out below.
Definition of Data Controller
According to Article 3 of Law No. 6698, the data controller is defined as “the natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system”. In this context, STARMAX has obligations as a data controller regarding the processing of personal data, and our obligation to inform and clarify is fulfilled with this text.
Method and Legal Reason for Collecting Personal Data
Personal data may be obtained verbally, in writing or electronically; by methods such as phone calls, websites, form filling, printed documents, data integration or camera shooting.
In line with the above-mentioned purposes, the Company collects personal data from the relevant persons in order to fully and accurately fulfill its legal obligations arising from the laws and signed contracts while providing services and conducting business activities, and processes this data within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK.
Collection of Personal Data, Purpose of Processing
Your personal data is collected and processed for the purposes of human resources processes, security measures, project/business activities, contract processes, management of import/export and service processes within the scope of laws and relevant legislation. For these purposes, your data;
- To the companies and representatives authorized by us and operating on behalf and account of our company,
- Joint ventures, supplier and contractor companies, banks, credit risk and financial institutions and other real or legal persons,
- Regulatory and supervisory bodies and public institutions or organizations authorized to request your personal data,
- Tax and similar consultants, mandatory persons, institutions and organizations related to legal follow-up processes and third parties from whom we receive consultancy,
- To business partners, third parties from whom services are received, authorized persons and organizations in Turkey and abroad for the purposes stated above
It may be transferred in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the KVKK.
Rights of the Data Subject
Natural/legal persons whose personal data are processed have the following rights pursuant to Article 11 of the LPPD:
- Learn whether personal data is being processed,
- Request information if their personal data has been processed,
- To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
- To know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,
- To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties,
- Although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of KVKK and other relevant laws, to request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear and to notify third parties of the transaction made within this scope,
- To object to the emergence of a result to the detriment of the person himself/herself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
- In case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, to demand the compensation of the damage.
In order to exercise the above-mentioned rights, your application will be processed if your distinctive identity and registration information, the right to be exercised and explanations regarding this matter are sent in writing by registered letter with return receipt to the address “Yazıbaşı Mahallesi, Teba Sokak No: 4/2, Torbalı-İzmir, TURKEY”, which is the headquarters address of STARMAX TARIM MAKİNALARI SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. in accordance with Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.
Pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the KVK Law No. 6698, after the requests regarding the exercise of the above-mentioned rights are submitted to our Company in writing or by other methods determined by the Personal Data Protection Board, the applications will be concluded free of charge as soon as possible. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff determined by the Board may be charged. You will be notified of the results of your application by getting back to you via the contact information you have provided to us.
Links to third party websites
Our company's website may contain links to third party websites. Regarding the privacy policies of these sites, our company does not accept any responsibility and does not guarantee that the data protection practices of these websites comply with all relevant legislation and regulations.